Police Chaplains

635816297030400000The Richfield Police Chaplain Corps consists of volunteer community clergy who have undergone a background check and received training for working with people in crisis. The Chaplain Corps provides 24-hour services to the residents of Richfield and the Richfield Police Department. Whether assisting individuals in searching for spiritual or religious understanding, or offering a compassionate, caring, and spiritual presence to those in difficult circumstances, the Police Chaplains provide a range of support to those in need of guidance.


The mission of the Police Chaplains Corp is to provide support services to all City employees and citizens in crisis experiences, in partnership with representatives of the Richfield area clergy.

This mission shall be internal and external in scope:  

  • The internal mission of the Richfield Police Chaplain Corps is to provide, upon request, spiritual guidance/counseling and support to employees involved in daily and/or specific, stress related issues. 
  • The external mission of the Richfield Police Corps is to offer spiritual guidance and assistance to persons confronted with crisis experiences; to serve as instruments of reconciliation by easing stress related situations involving the public and to function as a source of positive police/community relations. 

Interested in becoming a Richfield Police Chaplain?

Eligibility for Chaplain Corps membership:

  • An ecclesiastically ordained and/or licensed person, in good standing with their religious affiliation, with five years experience in ministry. 
  • Willing to complete an application, submit to fingerprinting and criminal history checks. 
  • Available to serve on-call rotation with other Police Chaplains. 
  • Newly appointed Chaplains are encouraged to participate on ride-a-longs with police officers to become familiar with basic police procedures. 
  • Actively attend monthly program meeting. 
  • Tactful and considerate approach to all people, regardless of race, sex, creed and religion. 
  • Willing to become involved in training sessions or other Departmental or City function events that enhance the Chaplain program. 
  • One who lives and/or works in Richfield area. 
  • A goal of working towards chaplain certification. 

Police Chaplain Openings and Application

Interested clergy can contact the Richfield Police Department at 612-861-9800, to find out more information about the Chaplain Program.