Crime Free Multi-Housing

635816297030400000Crime Free Multi Housing training is a one-day rental owner education program that includes information on applicant screen, rental agreements, identification of illegal activity, eviction processes, roles of working with the police, crime prevention, code enforcement, public health, licensing, inspections, and proactive property management. For more information on available training dates, times, and locations, please visit the Minnesota Crime Prevention Association web site and look under training & events for the CFMH Day 1 class.

The Crime Free Multi-Housing Program is designed to reduce crime, drugs, illegal and nuisance activity in apartment communities. Developed in 1992, CFMH can be found throughout the U.S. and Canada. The program consists of three phases to be completed under the supervision of local police:

  • Phase I: Management Training 
  • Phase II: Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Survey (CPTED) 
  • Phase III: Crime Watch, Resident Training